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Ode on "Roots of Wisdom"

Description 描述 :

Chinese calligraphy in cursive script 中國書法草書

Year 年份:

Earth Pig 2019 己亥

Size 大小 :

31x137 cm
(unmounted 畫芯未裝潢)

Material 材料 :

Ink on rice paper 水墨紙本

The Translation of the Cursive Script 草書款識 :

咬得菜根香又香, 有如手持破繭剪。 無懼內外千層繞, 抖擻脫變自在翔。


The Seal Script of "Roots of Wisdom" - Let Come and Go Naturally 篆書《菜根譚》 - 不著色相不留聲名:

"Roots of Wisdom" - Let Come and Go Naturally 《菜根譚》 - 不著色相不留聲名